For Local Governments

Breastfeeding-Friendly Communities (2023): 8-page colour brochure that identifies for local governments the essential health values breastfeeding mothers contribute to community wellbeing: food security, a strong economy, climate action and reconciliation. KCR and IH Resource; brochure primary author: Karen Graham

Download the High-res version here (94 MB)



Breastfeeding-Friendly Public Spaces A Toolkit for Local Governments (2023): This comprehensive 30-page colour booklet offers diverse tools that can be deployed by local governments in both the social and built environment realms and provides examples of breastfeeding supportive actions from communities across Canada. KCR and IH Resource; Primary authors: Jennifer Fix (Ahne Studio), Kelly MacDonald, Tanya Osborne and Karen Graham

Download the High-res version here (18 MB)